Saturday, April 02, 2011

Questions and answers

There seems to be so many types of ways to talk.

Some people seem to know where the conversation should go and answer questions for you before you even ask, almost like they read you mind.

Some people clearly answer questions that you ask, leaving you with a fullfiled feeling, satisfied.

Some people always seem to be holding something back. Answering questions, but not really answering questions. Leaving you confused and maybe a little annoyed.

Some people, and these ones drive me NUTS, talk at you, ignore every question you ask them while continuing to talk and talk. These same people often ask you a question, about something that, if they ever listened to a thing you had to say, they should have known the answer to, proving that they don't actually listen to a thing you have to say.

Each kind of talker leave the other person with a distinct feeling about themselves, and if it is that they are ignored and not worth listening to, it is not very nice.

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