Monday, July 13, 2009

Stefáns Room

Stefán is also enjoying having his own space.

He never tires of drawing, writing and finding things to hang up. He is currently out of teachers gum and is begging for more. This too will have to wait a bit.

When I let them pick what bedding they wanted on there beds today I was surprised when Stefán wanted the Santa Claus blanket. Although Stefán has always maintained that he is a close friend of Santa's, I wonder if he realizes how long he still has to wait until Christmas.

Naturally the Star Wars men have a place of honour in the window ledge.

The Spiderman table set really needs to move out to the balconie, it is just crowding his room, but right now he says he needs it.

The Spiderman table is the store and the desk is where he works on movies and other projects.

He will defend every toy that is out, according to him they are all being used at the exact moment.

He also has a large closet, but how many pictures of those do you need to see?

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