Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Do I have tooooooo?????

It seems to be assumed that one foreigner will be friends with another. This asumtion is intensified when they speak the same native language.

I honestly wish it were always true. It would be nice to have someone here, a neighbor, to chat it up in English with. But this may never happen.

The fact is, besides both speaking English - this person and I have nothing in common. Nothing. In fact, we seem to repel each other and now as an unspoken rule, we avoid each other. A little hard sometimes when we work together.

Point being, we just are not friends.

Yet . . . despite that fact we are not seen out together, do not visit at work or give any reason for this, every one thinks we must be practically sisters.

I am often asked how she is doing, or stopped and asked where she is if someone is looking for her. I really do not understand.

But, the best was last night:

There I was hanging out in the bath, the kids are in bed and I am just relaxing. Then my cell phone rings, Davíð brings it in because it was ringing for a while.

Some guy says his name is Siggí, is Loreen over? I do not know this guy. He says he tried calling her cell and it was off. He called the sports center and they said she was probably having a coffee with you, so they gave me your number. I guess this guy is from Reykjavík.

Kinda creeped out the bath. Glad it wasn't important.

So it seems so natural that we would be best friends and spend all our time togeather that the town sports center is giving my phone number out over the phone to strangers. I do not even know why the sports center would have my phone number.

There seems to be a lot of expectations for us to be best friends - but I don't want to.


  1. Oh, what a total crack up. You thought the town you grew up in was small, huh? Well, you are going to have to say something to somebody. You should blame it on David, say he is terribly jealous if you have any friends beside him or something. Or you could say that you have a bunch of good friends in Reykjavik you prefer to chat with on line...which is of course the truth. I miss you, could totally use a chat, what with my brother dying and then all the other crap. Miss your boys too. Give them a hug for me!

  2. Now I am on a mission to find your number - lost my phone over the holidays
