Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lucky Guy and Stupid Dr.'s

It all started in December when we went to Reykjavík and Davíð was having a cat scan on his legs to check out his circulation.

They could not see any problems with his veins during the test but they manage to rob us of 16000IKR and say he had some lumps that were very concerning. Mainly 2 large ones near the bottom of his torso then some smaller ones all over his torso.

Blood tests were done and they could not find a problem but still they wanted to test them, fair enough.

Some doctor decided a regular needle biopsy was not good enough, they wanted to cut him open to test them.

It was decided that he needed surgery, and soon. We were worried.

Weeks go by as we wait for the surgery to be scheduled. They called yesterday saying they needed to do it today.

The surgen who was going to do it was not in so another would in his place. Davíð took the plane this morning.

He gets to town and wait and waits, the second surgen can not do it today, he is passed on to a third.

The third surgen says he will not operate or even test these lumps with out another cat scan because the pother one is a month old already, outdated.

The secound ultrasound is done. Looking forward to the bill.

The lumps are gone. Turns out it was just some swollen glands because Davíð had the flu in December.

So, Davíð does not have cancer. I am very happy for him not just because it is good to be healthy but because if he was sick just look at the system that would be trying to help him.

My faith in the Icelandic health care system fell even further today.

If I ever discover I am very sick I will start planning my trip back to Canada.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that nothing is wrong with David.

    But Jesus F-cking christ what kind of doctors do you have over there it sounds like you got doctors that woke up one morning open up a box of cracker jacks and poof there a doctor

    Second I agree that you should come to canada to See a doctor at least it wont cost you a arm and a leg.
