Thursday, September 07, 2006

Little Monsters

I always new I should not have a job working with children. I have one now though. During Kasper's after school care, called Dreamland, I see the worst of the worst.

The other day they took Stefan´s stroller out from the bike shed. They emptied it out and started playing with it. I saw my coat and bag on the grass and a group of boys running around and riding the stroller like a car. I ran over to catch them while one boy was riding it down a hill into a fence. I told them off for stealing, but my English words mean almost nothing to them. They knew I was mad at least.

Yesterday while I was walking around checking on them I saw another group of boys. I am sure that on there own they are very nice, but together they cause trouble. They had tied the smallest one up with skipping ropes and had him hanging from a tree by his armpits. Even he was laughing. I pulled him down, told them it was dangerous, as they ran away, and began confiscating skipping ropes from kids hanging out in the trees.

you can not turn your back for 2 seconds and they are not up to any good. Unfortunately with 90 children aged 5-7 things can get a little out of control. There is only 5 adults and only 3 speak Icelandic. It seems like everyday something goes wrong.

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